It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

[Created by Majesty 2022]

》Moniker《 Jinhua Haoran Lee》Pronounciation《 (jin-waa) (hey-o-ran) (l-ee)》Alias《 N/a》Maturity《 3.9 yrs》Mental Health Conditions《 OCD》Gender《 Masculine》Sexuality《 Homoflexible》Pronouns《 He/Him》Species《 Wolfdog (Alaskan Malamute x Mackenzie Valley Wolf)》Village《 Wolf's Bluff》Rank《 Guard》Voice Claim《 John DiMaggio》Scent《 Cinnamon and fresh snow》Main Theme《 Crutch by Set It Off》Playlist《 Tender Giant

Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.

》Height《 36 in/ 91.4 cm》Weight《 185 lbs/ 83.9 kg》Body Type《 Stocky, muscular》Body Condition《 Good》Hygiene《 Good》Scars《 N/a》Deformities《 N/a》Apparel《 N/a》Assets《 Endurance. Raw Power. Combat. Swimming. Stamina.》Flaws《 Speed. Agility. Climbing. Heat-tolerance. Hunting.

Being a wolamute, Jinhua is a perfect mix of raw power and energy. His build is bulky and muscular with broad shoulders and an overall toned bodice. Being 180 pounds of pure muscle, the canine can hold his own in a fight and boasts brute strength. With his stature of 36 inches at the withers, Jin stands out in a crowd and is renowned for his lack of ability to be stealthy. Relative to body size, the wolfdog's feet are quite big and wide, classic to both parent breeds. Only typical with Malamutes, however, is Jinhua's thick plume of a tail that curls over his back and uncurls at will. His eyes are heterochromatic, one being a brilliant blue while the other is a warm brown hue.The wolfdog's face is broad but has a slight taper. His ears are on the smaller side, compared to his body size, much like his almond shaped eyes. Jinhua's nose and paw pads are a charcoal black, common to both parent breeds and matching well with his black nails. The male's coat pattern is more so on the Malamute side, as he has a cream, brown, and black saddle spanning from his head to his tail. The saddle breaks on Jin's neck, leaving a large white splotch with the saddle pattern still going as little streaks around it. Where this pattern doesn't follow is on his face, part of his legs, and undersides, save for his stomach which does still have the patterning. Already having such a thick coat, the wolamute perfers not to wear any attire.

The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being.

》+《 Admirable. Thoughtful. Endearing. Dignified. Stoic.》=《 High-minded. Overprotective. Paternalistic. Casual. Complex.》-《 Possessive. Anxious. Cautious. Loquacious. Mistaken.

Having been forced to take on a large load of responsibilities from an early age, the wolamute has learned how to be mature in even the most horrid circumstances, normally. Jinhua is capable of thinking things through before choosing to act and making the right decisions when the time arises without batting an eye. The male's dignified approach to day to day life makes him a natural leader for those that need it, and Jin's more than willing to offer a slice of his wisdom when asked. He's aware of how his demeanor can make or break those that depend on him and manages to keep calm in dire situations for their sake rather than his. Due to this, the wolfdog suppresses his emotions and true feelings until he absolutely can't anymore. Jinhua won't complain about not eating, being cold, hurt, or even about how terrified he is deep down. And his facade makes him appear unbothered constantly, so there would be no way to actually tell what he's feeling.Although unhealthy, he finds it to be a necessary evil that likely won't ever change as long as he keeps those around him afloat. The male didn't have parents that cared about him or his siblings and he desperately wants to fill the void that they left behind. Jin wants to be that rock his brothers and sisters need, alongside other misguided souls because he feels that's his purpose in life. Thus it's no secret that the male puts everyone before himself. Jinhua wants to make sure everyone is happy and okay, and invests his time in learning about others and special ways to make them cheerful. Their comfort is prioritized over his own, as he'd much rather be a provider to those that need it instead of the other way around. Each gift Jinhua gives is always full of thought and delicate care, and there's certainly a lot of gifts he's willing to give to the individuals he cherishes. Safety is also a priority to the wolamute, as he's not above using his strength to defend those that cannot defend themselves.Much like anyone else, Jin has his own moral code and principles he acts by. However, the way he upholds them is stronger than what one would see normally. The bad canines the wolamute was around during his childhood gave him a example of who he never wanted to become as he aged, creating his high-minded nature and refusal to betray his morals. The evil he saw was damaging to his young mind. It caused a great fear that still haunts him in his adult age and in turn a driving force for him to be good. It was also part of the reason he decided to act as a loving father figure to everyone, and make their issues his too to help them cope. Through every challenge in life, Jinhua made the vow to take them on side by side with his loved ones as a team. He'll stubbornly stand beside them no matter what. But a negative outcome of this intense dedication is Jin's tendency to be overprotective. If his loved one is hiding something, he'll make sure to figure it out. The wolamute will over analyze their behavior and life as a whole to try and pick out signs that something may be wrong.As well as show extreme distrust in those that may try to get too close for comfort. This of course piled on top of his already full plate leads to a complex sense of emotions that surge through the male. Jinhua is stuck in a constant battle of his morals and desire to protect his kin, making his behaviors sometimes erratic and to say he'd appear crazy would be an understatement. During these episodes, the wolamute will try to distance himself from everyone to keep them from seeing him break and otherwise freak out and refusal to leave him alone can make things worse. Jinhua can shout and break things in these times or even rarely break down. To him, the worst thing they can see is their normally calm and level-headed kin, friend, or partner be anything but because it could lead to their distress. After the wolfdog has had time alone time, his casual demeanor will return and he'll go back to acting normal.Already being super affectionate towards his kin, it goes without saying Jinhua is the same way towards anyone he's involved with romantically. He has no issue showing his dominant side and demanding immediate attention and love from his mate, along with letting everyone in the vicinity know so they can back off. Talking one's ear off is another common practice for the male, as he enjoys conversating with his kin and sharing almost everything with them but he does so in a way that can be irritating. Interrupting conversations and or completely changing topics being a couple of examples. But a side of Jinhua he never shows is his immense anxiety. Having lost three out of four of his own children and one of his younger sisters, he has a new lease of life and it's not for the better. The wolfdog is fearful of all the things that could possibly go wrong and the dangers that await himself and his loved ones in life. He'll stress over it frequently and it's led to some compulsive behaviors, such as having to know everyone's whereabouts at all times, sizing up each new face and debating the best way to take them down in case they're a threat. Jinhua will also patrol and scan his surroundings to determine if they're safe or not.Anything that's uncertain is to be feared in Jin's eyes. When in the midst of a dangerous situation, the wolamute will always use himself as a shield to protect those he loves and will offer to go out alone on perilous missions. He'd rather get hurt instead of watching his kin get hurt under the assumption that he can handle it much better than anyone else. Jinhua is afraid of quite literally, everything, but he'll face it all in order to save those he cares about. And in his quest to do right, the wolamute can sometimes make bad decisions that affect his relationships with others, but they aren't done out of malicious intent- furthest thing from it actually. But harboring harsh lessons, fear, morals, and a mix of complex emotions can affect the male's judgement heavily. Leading to bad calls, which always end in him feeling an intense sense of guilt and dread. The desire to be there for his loved ones has kept him going, and fortunately there aren't any signs of it stopping.

To make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care.

》Mother《 Lixue》Father《 Yuze》Littermates《 Zihan, Kai, Syaoran, Delun, Alix, Jiao & Ushi》Partner《 N/a》Young《 Fang, Jia, Ting, & Kuan

TW: Violence. Death. Gore. Depressive Thoughts. Self-harm. In-depth explanation of what having OCD is like.

The origins of the paternal wolamute began with his parents, Lixue and Yuze. Lixue was a struggling Alaskan Malamute who had a history of questionable behavior that has put herself and her kin in danger on numerous occasions. This recklessness was what drove her siblings and parents to disown her and leave her to fend for herself at the young age of just a year. Alone and frightened on the streets, the young female struggled to cope. Being given absolutely everything and never having to earn anything a day in her life hadn't prepared Lixue for the harsh realities of life. And even at rock bottom, the malamute still begged for help from anyone she came across as she wandered the streets of Wolf's Bluff. She was prepared to give her all to anyone who gave her the time of day, which happened to be a charming male wolf named Yuze around her age who she stumbled across during her search. The male had shared how he was thrown out from his family too and was in need of assistance. Leading to the pair instantly hitting it off and becoming a team of sorts in the harsh environment they shared. However, this only lasted until the pair grew to be young adults as problems would arise quickly. Lixue and Yuze argued day and night over frivolous things, their relationship completely shifting from where it was as they began. It made the malamute's heart ache, and in her distress, she found what she believed would be a quick solution to their problem. Giving the wolf children. Lixue thought it would force the male to straighten out his act, but upon hearing the news he stormed off into the night. Disheartened and now forced to provide for herself now, the expecting mother often wouldn't be living in the greatest conditions up until her birth. Making it no surprise that she was only able to deliver two live puppies, a boy, whom she named Jinhua, and a girl she named Jiao.During the litter's first week of life, their father would return unexpectedly. Yuze wasn't as concerned as a father should be, but he fortunately didn't treat his children like dirt. They still received affection and attention, but the male was noticeably detached. And it didn't help that he was absent more often than not. Devastated, the new mother became an unmanageable wreck of emotions, leaving her to also feel a detachment towards her children. For the first few months of their lives, Jinhua and Jiao were left to their own devices. They explored their house and the small snow-filled area around it under Lixue's loose supervision. Fortunately, during this time nothing bad happened to the pups, much rather it enforced a protective bond between them. But amongst their parents, it was utter turmoil. During the fights that took place, awful things were said about every one of them, despite Jin and Jiao being children, and furniture and other objects would be thrown and broken with no care about safety. Always ending with Yuze storming out the door in a blind rage, returning later and later on. The fights were scary for the children, needless to say, and the little male always put himself before his sister and the various dangers their parents presented to them. Throughout the angry mother and father's routine, the pups would turn five months old. According to Lixue, they were old enough to carry their own weight in the family and had no issues putting the pair to work. This work involved the children going out of the house and assisting complete strangers who didn't always guarantee a payoff with mundane tasks. Which to nobody's surprise, sometimes ended with the children getting robbed, ambushed, or lost on the jobs that brought them out of unfamiliar territory. It was horrifying to the pair, but Jinhua in particular felt extreme distress at the thought of not being around to protect his sister.So much so that he was able to convince the female malamute to allow him to carry out jobs alone while Jiao could sit safely at home. It brought him some solace knowing that his sister wouldn't have to suffer from the many dangers of the world. But as two months passed, Lixue had caused Jin's load to double by refusing to care for herself or them anymore. From this point onward, everything was his sole responsibility, despite the fact he was only seven months old. And nobody around them saw an issue with this, they didn't question the wolamute pup or his mother, they didn't seem to care really. The sudden onset of stress caused something to break within the puppy, as he began to have rapid thoughts involving the what if's and repeated compulsive thoughts about hurting himself and someone else, along with a drastic change in behavior. Jin also started having nightmares centered around distressing things and feelings with detailed gore. Everything he dreamed about, felt, and feared weren't things that anyone should think about, let alone a child. But worst of all, he was led to believe by Lixue's detachment that what he had to do was normal and the way he handled it made him crazy. Meaning Jinhua never told anyone for fear that he'd be deemed insane and treated much differently instead of the loving provider he thought he was meant to be for his family. Jiao was quick to take notice of her brother's change in behavior and mood, but no matter how many times she asked him what was wrong, he didn't want to tell her. And with presumably nobody to help relieve Jin's stress, he took to taking his anger out on himself. The wolamute would bite into his forearms and hindlegs in private, so hard that sometimes the aftermath left him bleeding. He'd go about life with these wounds and scars that would never be explained, his sister only finding out after taking an educated guess after observing one of his most recent injuries in a painful confrontation. Jin would be returning home when Jiao strode up to him in their usual playful greeting. "Hey Jin, why do you always have bites on your legs?" His smiling face would cease within seconds, and he'd lick his lips nervously before responding. "There's this band of criminals-" The smaller female would cut him off with a frustrated growl. "Don't lie to me. When you're fighting someone, they don't aim for the legs, they aim for the throat.""These criminals do!""So these criminals attack you even when you don't go out? They just show up in the middle of the night so the next morning you're bleeding everywhere?""Uh-yeah. . . .""I know you hurt yourself when no one's looking . . . when were you gonna tell me?""I wasn't. It's not something you should worry about.""But you're my brother! I'm gonna worry about-""DON'T! I TOLD YOU I'M FINE!"The conversation would end with Jinhua snarling and pushing past Jiao to sprint outside, unwilling to talk about his self-harming any longer. The wolamute firmly believed that she'd be better off not knowing, and that every stressor in their lives was his alone to bear. The thought that she'd never love him again if she knew what truly awful things went through his head was also present in his choice. She'll learn to understand one day. A few days would pass before the pair made amends and life went back to the way it was before, although Jin still refused to discuss what was happening to him and it didn't improve in the slightest. He'd still have meltdowns, nightmares, and continue his self-harming while his beloved sister could only watch on sadly, and his mother couldn't care less. Jiao felt useless in the sense of not being able to assist her brother in any way while he went through his mental torment. Lixue took notice of her son's destructive behaviors, but it appeared as if she shouldn't be bothered to deal with him, being far too preoccupied in trying to get her lover back. Weeks would pass, and soon after a series of unexplained disappearances from the female malamute, she'd announce her pregnancy to Jinhua and Jiao. She had met up with Yuze and was determined to give him more children, more reasons to come back presumably. But considering her first attempt at this didn't work, the second time was doomed to fail. A little after the twins turned nine months old, they welcomed two boys, Zihan and Syaoran, and a little girl, Alix, into the family. And the responsibility of making sure the pups were well cared for fell on Jinhua, like everything always did, as Lixue was far too heartbroken and neglectful after the pups' father never visited the newborns. The older wolamute didn't want to care for pups that weren't his own, but he was aware they didn't ask to be born and felt they didn't deserve to be shrouded in anger and frustration. Their bigger sister also tried to assist in caring for them, feeding them and otherwise filling in whenever their brother was gone, or when she felt he deserved a break. It wasn't ideal or a job that two children themselves should have, but between Jinhua and Jiao, their younger siblings were well taken care of and showered with love. In the upcoming weeks, Syaoran, Alix, and Zihan grew into bumbling puppies that yapped and wanted to explore. And they'd often refer to their older siblings as 'Mom' and 'Dad' in their broken speech despite the pair's best efforts to correct them each time.When considering that the little trio was around their older siblings more often than their actual mother, it was to be expected that they'd be unfamiliar with Lixue. But their mother didn't see it that way, as she'd frequently fight with Jinhua and Jiao over their confusion. While the fights weren't ever physical and were just screaming matches that were essentially Lixue versus them, they were still very intense and yet another weight upon Jin's shoulders. Their mother would always start them, and it would end with her being locked outside either by her son or daughter. The things she called her own flesh and blood were extremely hurtful, and they'd be a direct attack of their character. You can't do anything useful but a mother's duties? Go be a burden to someone else. You're so fucking stupid. Don't taint the puppies with your problems, they don't want to hear it either. It's always 'ME! ME! ME!' with you, selfish piece of shit. The wolamute already thought lowly of himself, and the attacks that his mother mostly aimed at him didn't help. What her cruel behavior did help however, was the belief that Syaoran, Kihan, and Alix would be better off not interacting with her. As weeks passed, the wolamute tried to save up enough money to move himself and his siblings away from Lixue, now being a year old alongside his sister, and the trio being three months, he believed he was old enough to have his independence. Though his mental state begged to differ, he was able to successfully move into a better house within the town without Lixue knowing where. Both he and Jiao believed their problems would be over from this point onward, and for a short while it was. The load was still the same for Jinhua, but without Lixue around his younger siblings thrived. All five of them could grow in different ways and learn together, they were happy. The male especially took great pride in the pups he and his sister were working together to raise. And none of them questioned where their actual mother was, set on the idea that their siblings were their parents. It was throughout this peaceful time Jinhua met a female Newfoundland his age named Nanaea.The pair went from seeing each other every once in a while, to visiting almost every day, and they'd share everything together. As expected, it didn't take long for Jiao and the trio to familiarize themselves with the female, fully accepting her as a new member of their little group and constantly engaging in play or sharing interesting stories. It was how the male wolamute got to know her better than anyone and developed an infatuation. Nanaea had a loving family that encouraged her to leave their presence more often to meet new friends, and she shared that she too suffered from the same mental issues Jinhua did. Fortunately, the Newfoundland didn't deal with her stress the same way Jin did, she instead found a better outlet than her own flesh. This outlet would be to destroy any kind of breakable object in private, away from her family and their home, and Nanaea would try to teach her wolamute friend to do the same thing. As she quickly caught on to his self-harming habits like Jiao did early on. While Jinhua did find some solace in destruction, he still sometimes went back to the biting, no matter how hard he tried not to. As weeks would pass, the male found himself hating how he was more and more every day. Why couldn't he just be normal? Why did he have such awful thoughts and habits despite how badly he tried to brush them off? Was he a bad person because of this? The only difference between now and five months ago for the struggling wolfdog was how he had someone now who understood his pain, someone to finally talk to. Which is exactly what he'd do one day after going out with Nanaea for the day, away from Jiao and his younger siblings' prying ears. "I really can't stand how I think of doing things that are against everything I am- things that I'd NEVER do.""But you know your heart, it's much stronger than your mind. It's something my mom tells me all the time when I tell her about my compulsive thoughts.""When will these thoughts go away though? Like how can I cure them?""Jinhua, you can't cure OCD. It's not something that you can just get rid of.""Why? We're pretty advanced in medicine. We should be able to find something to help us.""It'll stay with us for the rest of our lives because it's a mental condition, unfortunately no matter what we do it won't go away.""I hate it.""I do too. But- promise me something, please.""What?""Promise me you'll know and realize that nothing is wrong with you. You're not crazy, you're not insane, you're just like everyone else, and so am I." Nanaea and Jinhua would share a tearful hug and go about the rest of their time together with smiles and laughter until returning back to their duties, both making their little crush known by the other and starting a little routine. Unfortunately for the siblings however, while out and about they'd see their mother again, and to nobody's surprise she was pregnant again. They'd only have their peace for a short while before instinctively, Jinhua went to his mother's house to collect the puppies once they were born, despite Jiao's pleas not to. He just couldn't live with himself if Lixue harmed his newborn siblings in one way or another. And she gladly gave up her children despite how many times she fought with Jinhua over it previously. Thus welcoming two more boys, Kai, Delun, and a little girl, Ushi, into their family. It must be noted that Jin's mental state did see an improvement, but he was still overworked and exhausted. Day after day, with the pups growing, Syaoran, Alix, and Kihan grew into adolescents, while Jiao and Jinhua turned into young adults. After so much hard work, all of the male's siblings had a reasonable amount of independence from him. They didn't require his or their older sister's constant care and they were growing into respectable wolamutes, all underneath their guidance. Unfortunately for Jin, with the first trio now going out on their own and meeting new faces, he began to worry. He couldn't rest until he knew where they were and each friend they had; Jinhua found it necessary to investigate them thoroughly and offer his sometimes-cruel judgement. One face that received the father figure's rage was Alix's new friend called Rory, a young male leopard that traveled around a lot and couldn't stay in once place for too long for one reason or another. Something seemed off about him, and the wolfdog made sure to let everyone and the leopard himself know how much he wasn't to be trusted.

But each time Jinhua acted out he was deemed the bad guy, only adding to his obsessive-compulsive nature. He didn't know what, but something just wasn't right. And as children are at that age, Alix rebelled and continued to go out and hang around the shifty feline. He couldn't make her or anyone else for that matter understand. Jiao demanded that he calm down and stop losing his mind over something so petty, while Alix simply stopped telling him whenever she'd leave the house. 'He's a kid! How can you hate an innocent child so much?' While Jinhua wasn't dealing with child issues and disagreements with his sister, he was out spending time with the newfoundland. Nanaea eventually took up the title of the male's girlfriend and would move into the crowded family house to live alongside him. She was the world to him, and it quite clearly showed. Any time he was stressed or angry, the dog knew exactly what to do to calm him down and make him smile. Life was somewhat closer to normal than it had ever been for Jin, and he stopped biting into himself. Sadly, just as he began to start feeling better, Alix wouldn't return home one day after going out to shop. Despite how rebellious she was, the young female never left for much longer than nine hours. A whole day wasn't normal for her, and it sent the father figure spiraling out of control. Where could she have gone? At his crazed behavior, the whole family realized something had to be wrong and quickly joined him in his search. For a week, Jinhua, Jiao, Nanaea, and all of the younger siblings were out tirelessly searching for their missing sister. The loving father figure would be out searching with Nanaea on a particularly windy day when the stench of blood, death, and something familiar was coming from something nearby. It smelled like puppy, a bloody puppy. The odor hit he and his mate's noses like a powerful strike, and they were equally as taken aback. The dog wished to investigate the scent trail, but Jinhua felt he had to go first.He had to do it and spare Nanaea the wretched sight, despite how his heart was in his throat. It's something that was deceased, he knew that, but he truly and desperately hoped it was just a prey kill and the remainder of the scent belonged to a young hunter that was miles away by now. Creeping forward with caution and his hackles raised the wolamute followed the scent trail and stopped short of a furry mound up ahead in the snow. Heterochromatic eyes stared intensely, taking in the sight for just a few moments before letting out an awful, deafening screech. "MY LITTLE GIRL! MY BABY!" The mound had brown, white, and black fur. Its face had yet to be covered, and it showed the startled expression of Alix in what could be assumed to be her last moments. Jinhua collapsed to the ground, continuing to let out sorrowful screeches and howls as Nanaea rushed forward to block his line of sight. "W-why her? What did s-she do. . . ?" Her body was decayed, and a large slash wound on her throat peeked out from underneath the snow. Jin felt extreme distress and misery, he felt shattered. He wanted to kick, scream, cry, and tear the leopard apart. The wolamute was able to move after a long while, tears still streaming down his face and his mate trying her hardest to console him. Jinhua and Nanaea went home, Nanaea offering to take care of everything for her mate who stood in a heartbreaking silence, even when his siblings asked him what exactly happened. That same night, the male violently bit into his limbs. Thrashing his head around until letting go and repeating. He blamed himself for not taking care of Rory sooner, for not protecting his family like he should've. I should've broken his spine and thrown him in a river. I should've torn his tail off and fed it to him. For weeks afterwards, Jinhua was in the worst mental state he had ever been in. He still worked and completed his duties, he even responded whenever someone spoke to him, but he didn't try anymore, he was visibly defeated. Nothing his family did reassured him or made him feel the tiniest bit better.All the while the male was suffering, he still knew he had to be there for the siblings he had left, but how? He didn't know if he could trust himself to keep them safe anymore. It was his one purpose in life and he failed. It'd take a total of two months for Jin to show signs of being lifted from his sorrow, just the tiniest bit, and it'd come in the form of his mate telling him she was expecting his puppies. Jinhua had done this twice before, no matter what he was going through, those kids didn't ask to be here and deserve to be showered in love and affection. When Nanaea gave birth, her mate brushed aside his issues and focused on the newborns once more, welcoming two girls, Jia, and Ting, and two boys, Kuan and Fang into the family. And notably, Fang was born with a white moon marking on his chest, the only one out of his siblings to have one. Each of the wolamute's siblings gave the litter affection, as well as the parents, Jin especially they reassured constantly. "Nothing that has happened is your fault. You protected us and you can do it again." For once in a while, shining within the darkness that had overtaken the wolamute, he saw a beacon. His own pups and the siblings he adopted were going to be fine, it was something he had to make sure of. Many doubts still lingered in his mind however, only worsening at the sudden death of Ting. The little girl was only a week old when she caught a mysterious illness and passed away in her sleep. Both Jinhua and Nanaea mourned heavily together, sharing their shattered feelings and expressing them freely with each other. Tragedy struck once more, as a week later, Kuan fell to the same fate, followed by Jia in the following days. A single pup was left, Fang. His entire family was stuck to him like glue every waking moment of the day, silently praying that he'd survive. Fortunately for them all, in the time that followed Fang was growing normally and was a fairly healthy puppy. But needless to say, loss after loss damaged the strength Jinhua worked so hard to summon. He was stressed and went to sleep every night fearful that he'd awake to a deceased puppy nestled within his chest.The wolamute checked on his son many times throughout the night, as would his mother to make sure their worst nightmare wouldn't come true, and luckily it didn't. Little Fang was still alive and kicking, squealing at his parents and beginning to babble and wander around. It was a huge relief for everyone, as their nephew was surviving and developing. As Fang aged, Jinhua forced himself to stop self-harming and found better ways to cope with stress with his mate's guidance as well as go back to the loving father his siblings always knew. The last thing he wanted was his son to see him hurt himself and try to do the same. It was a horrible thing to do and certainly not something that should be seen as an example in such young eyes. It all was looking up for Jin, as the presence of his kin alone offered comfort, knowing that they were still there. The relationship between Nanaea and Jinhua did take an unfortunate turn, however, as they both began to drift apart from each other. They still held love and admiration for the other, but they no longer felt like a couple, meaning the newfoundland would move out of the house and back with her family. Luckily, the two canines were able to part on good terms and still remained friends as they worked to co-parent their child. Offering each other reassurance that they'd be okay, and that nothing was wrong with them. Jinhua still could depend on Nanaea, but not in the same way as before, it was back to how everything had started. Just him and Jiao against everything, and although breaking up and adjusting was painful, his siblings wouldn't ever leave him. And he still had a surviving son to raise, someone else who needed him. Jin would go about day-to-day life masking everything he felt from familiar faces to strangers, unwilling to share anything with anyone other than his siblings. They all understood him far better than anyone else could so far. He deeply feels he's meant to protect them, it's a job he had from birth and still has no matter what, and being around to defend them is what drives him to keep going forward.

OOC Trivia:

  • Jinhua's original design came from an adopt purchased from CuriousCollie on DA.

  • His fullbody was a YCH ordered from DaggerAdopts.

  • The two-headshot piece's knife handle was edited by Ibis.

  • Jin's OCD is based on my sister's and mine, and he's made me realize things about myself for the better.

  • He's definitely another one of my all-time favorite ocs I've made.

IC Trivia:

  • Jinhua refuses to talk about Alix.

  • He holds a disdain towards leopards and is incredibly quick tempered around them.

  • Jin would do anything for his family.

  • He prefers not to talk about his self-harming habits, or anything pertaining to his stress or OCD.

  • Jinhua calls Fang "Moonie" for the moon shaped mark on his chest.

  • His favorite thing to do is swim because Fang loves swimming.

  • Fish is his favorite food.

OCD Description:Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.You may try to ignore or stop your obsessions, but that only increases your distress and anxiety. Ultimately, you feel driven to perform compulsive acts to try to ease your stress. Despite efforts to ignore or get rid of bothersome thoughts or urges, they keep coming back. This leads to more ritualistic behavior — the vicious cycle of OCD.OCD often centers around certain themes — for example, an excessive fear of getting contaminated by germs. To ease your contamination fears, you may compulsively wash your hands until they're sore and chapped.If you have OCD, you may be ashamed and embarrassed about the condition, but treatment can be effective.Symptoms:Obsessive-compulsive disorder usually includes both obsessions and compulsions. But it's also possible to have only obsession symptoms or only compulsion symptoms. You may or may not realize that your obsessions and compulsions are excessive or unreasonable, but they take up a great deal of time and interfere with your daily routine and social, school or work functioning.Obsession symptoms:OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety. You might try to ignore them or get rid of them by performing a compulsive behavior or ritual. These obsessions typically intrude when you're trying to think of or do other things.Obsessions often have themes to them, such as:- Fear of contamination or dirt
- Doubting and having difficulty tolerating uncertainty
- Needing things orderly and symmetrical
- Aggressive or horrific thoughts about losing control and harming yourself or others
- Unwanted thoughts, including aggression, or sexual or religious subjects
Examples of obsession signs and symptoms include:- Fear of being contaminated by touching objects others have touched
- Doubts that you've locked the door or turned off the stove
- Intense stress when objects aren't orderly or facing a certain way
- Images of driving your car into a crowd of people
- Thoughts about shouting obscenities or acting inappropriately in public
- Unpleasant sexual images
- Avoidance of situations that can trigger obsessions, such as shaking hands
Compulsion symptoms:
OCD compulsions are repetitive behaviors that you feel driven to perform. These repetitive behaviors or mental acts are meant to reduce anxiety related to your obsessions or prevent something bad from happening. However, engaging in the compulsions brings no pleasure and may offer only a temporary relief from anxiety.
You may make up rules or rituals to follow that help control your anxiety when you're having obsessive thoughts. These compulsions are excessive and often are not realistically related to the problem they're intended to fix.As with obsessions, compulsions typically have themes, such as:- Washing and cleaning
- Checking
- Counting
- Orderliness
- Following a strict routine
- Demanding reassurance
Examples of compulsion signs and symptoms include:- Hand-washing until your skin becomes raw
- Checking doors repeatedly to make sure they're locked
- Checking the stove repeatedly to make sure it's off
- Counting in certain patterns
- Silently repeating a prayer, word or phrase
- Arranging your canned goods to face the same way
The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder isn't fully understood. Main theories include:
Biology. OCD may be a result of changes in your body's own natural chemistry or brain functions.Genetics. OCD may have a genetic component, but specific genes have yet to be identified.Learning. Obsessive fears and compulsive behaviors can be learned from watching family members or gradually learned over time.Risk factors:
Factors that may increase the risk of developing or triggering obsessive-compulsive disorder include:
Family history. Having parents or other family members with the disorder can increase your risk of developing OCD.Stressful life events. If you've experienced traumatic or stressful events, your risk may increase. This reaction may, for some reason, trigger the intrusive thoughts, rituals and emotional distress characteristic of OCD.Other mental health disorders. OCD may be related to other mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse or tic disorders.Complications:
Problems resulting from obsessive-compulsive disorder may include, among others:
- Excessive time spent engaging in ritualistic behaviors
- Health issues, such as contact dermatitis from frequent hand-washing
- Difficulty attending work, school or social activities
- Troubled relationships
- Overall poor quality of life
- Suicidal thoughts and behavior
The Effects:Jinhua first started developing the symptoms of OCD at the age of seven months, the time he began to take on a workload heavier than what a child that age could handle. He began to have tics and an extreme sense of anxiety due to the onslaught of constant unpleasant thoughts, only worsened by his workload. Hygiene also became much higher in priorities than usual. And fearful of sharing exactly what he was going through, Jin tried to do as much as he could to mask his condition as he aged.The way the male went about masking his condition was by trying his best to avoid situations that would trigger his obsessive behavior. But needless to say, it was a living nightmare for him. Jinhua would focus on uncertainty, and the many horrific outcomes of different situations in his day-to-day life, as well as have urges to act out in the public eye for no reason in particular. And functioning with OCD differed day by day for the canine, as sometimes he'll feel completely fine while others, he wished he could tear everything in his sight to shreds.As for coping, Jinhua took to focusing on those around him and their presence alone could ground him. Although he still prefers not to discuss what exactly is eating at his insides the majority of the time, and company doesn't always help, it's enough for him to carry onwards. For his sake, as well as for those that depend on him.